Ichabod cat wallpapers

Ichabod cat wallpaperIchabod cat wallpaper

Ichabod cat pictureIchabod cat picture

Ichabod cat photoIchabod cat photo

Havana Brown cat in best pictures

The Havana Brown, also known as the Swiss Mountain cat, is a breed of cat well known and shown in England in the 1890s. [wikipedia]

Havana Brown cat in best pictureHavana Brown cat in best picture

The Havana Brown is a moderately sized, muscular short-haired cat with a body of average length. The coat color must be brown, typically reddish-brown, with no tabby markings.

Havana Brown cat breedHavana Brown cat breed

The Havana Brown is an intelligent cat that often uses its paws both to examine objects and to communicate with its owners.

Havana Brown cat photoHavana Brown cat photo

Exotic Shorthair cat photos

Breeders crossed the American Shorthair with the Persian in the United States around 1960. Thus were born shorthaired Persians, called Exotic Shorthairs and recognized by the C.F.A in 1966. [wikipedia]

Exotic Shorthair cat photoExotic Shorthair cat photo

Exotic Shorthair cat pictureExotic Shorthair cat picture

The Exotic has a compact, rounded, powerfully-built body with a short, thick "linebacker" neck. Its large round eyes, short snub nose, sweet facial expression, and small ears give it a highly neotenic appearance that many people consider cute.

Exotic Shorthair cat wallpaperExotic Shorthair cat wallpaper

The Exotic Shorthair has a gentle and calm personality reminiscent of the Persian, but it is livelier than his longhaired ancestor

Exotic Shorthair catExotic Shorthair cat

European Shorthair funy cat pictures

The European shorthair is a breed of short-haired cat originating in Sweden. It's a recently recognised breed established to resemble the look of naturally occurring cats that have lived in European villages and cities for ages. Many people incorrectly refer to any stray cat as a European Shorthair. [wikipedia]

European Shorthair funy cat pictureEuropean Shorthair funy cat picture

European Shorthair cat photoEuropean Shorthair cat photo

European Shorthair has its counterparts in Great Britain (British Shorthair)and USA (American Shorthair), that have been bred much longer. The British Shorthair however was crossed with Persian Cat and selectively bred to become a cobbier cat with slightly shortened muzzle and thicker coat.

European Shorthair wallpaperEuropean Shorthair wallpaper

Egyptian Mau cat photos

Egyptian Maus are a medium-sized short-haired cat breed. They are the only naturally spotted breed of domesticated cat. The spots on an Egyptian Mau are just on the coat; a shaved Mau does not have spots on its skin. The spotted Mau is an ancient breed from natural stock; its look has not changed significantly as is evidenced by artwork over 3000 years old. [wikipedia]

Egyptian Mau cat photoEgyptian Mau cat photo

Egyptian Mau cat pictureEgyptian Mau cat picture

The Egyptian Mau is the fastest of the domestic cats, with its longer hind legs, and unique flap of skin extending from the flank to the back knee, provides for greater agility and speed. Maus have been clocked running over 30 mph (48 kph).

Egyptian Mau catEgyptian Mau cat

Colorpoint Shorthair best pictures

Colorpoint Shorthair is the name the Cat Fanciers Association (CFA), a United States breed association, uses to refer to pointed cats of Siamese ancestry and type in colors other than the four "traditional" Siamese colors (seal, chocolate, blue, and lilac point). This name is also given to cats of Siamese ancestry in the four recognized colors whose eight generation pedigree show ancestors with other colors. In registries of other countries, however, "Colorpoint (or "Colourpoint") is the name given to cats of Persian type and pointed coloring, as in Himalayans. [wikipedia]

Colorpoint Shorthair best pictureColorpoint Shorthair best picture

Colorpoint Shorthair photoColorpoint Shorthair photo

Colorpoint Shorthair cat pictureColorpoint Shorthair cat picture

Chartreux cat wallpapers

The Chartreux is an internationally recognized breed of domestic cat from France. The Chartreux is large and muscular, with short fine-boned limbs, big paws, and very fast reflexes. They are known for their blue (grey) water-resistant short hair double-coats and gold- or copper-colored eyes. [wikipedia]

Chartreux cat wallpaperChartreux cat wallpaper

Chartreux cat pictureChartreux cat picture

Chartreux cat photoChartreux cat photo

California Spangled Cat

The California Spangled Cat is a breed of cat that were bred to resemble spotted wildcats, like the ocelot and leopard. They were originally bred in the 1980s and were only ever a rare breed, and were usually expensive, priced between $800 to $2,500 [citation needed]. The popularity of two other spotted cats breeds- the Ocicat and the Bengal- overshadowed their development. [wikipedia]

California Spangled CatCalifornia Spangled Cat

California Spangled Cat pictureCalifornia Spangled Cat picture

California Spangled Cat photoCalifornia Spangled Cat photo

Burmilla cat pictures

The Burmilla is a breed of domestic cat which originated in the United Kingdom in 1981. It is a cross between the Chinchilla Persian and Burmese breeds. Burmillas are medium-sized with muscular bodies, round faces, short muzzles and tend to weigh between 8-10 lb. The eye colour should be green, although some cat societies accept blue (and yellow eyes are permitted in kittens). Black cats have eyeliner in black; other colours may have no lining or soft brown. [wikipedia]

Burmilla cat pictureBurmilla cat picture

Burmilla cat photoBurmilla cat photo

Burmilla cat wallpaperBurmilla cat wallpaper

Burmese cat pictures

The Burmese is a breed of domesticated cats split into two subgroups: the American Burmese and the British Burmese. Most cat registries do not recognise a split between the two groups, but those that do formally refer to the type developed by British cat breeders as the European Burmese. [wikipedia]

Burmese cat pictureBurmese cat picture

Burmese cat photoBurmese cat photo

Burmese cat wallpaperBurmese cat wallpaper

British Shorthair cat wallpapers

The British Shorthair (also referred to as the European Shorthair) is a domesticated cat that is said to resemble a teddy bear. Its features make it a popular breed in cat shows. It has been the most popular breed of cat registered by the UK's Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) since 1999 when it overtook the Siamese breed. [wikipedia]

British Shorthair cat wallpaperBritish Shorthair cat wallpaper

British Shorthair cat pictureBritish Shorthair cat picture

British Shorthair cat photoBritish Shorthair cat photo

Brazilian Shorthair cat wallpaper

The Brazilian Shorthair is a medium sized cat of great agility. The can be distinguished from the American Shorthair by their sleek and elegant appearance. [wikipedia]

Bombay cat wallpapers

The Bombay is a muscular yet agile cat with a black coat. The heads of British Bombay cats are rounded and wide with a medium short, blunt tapered muzzle. The eyes, which are usually gold in colour , should be shaped like a burmese cat (not round) and set wide, and their ears are broad, slightly rounded and medium sized and, like the eyes, set wide. The Bombay has a coat that is short, satiny and tight to the body. Bombay cats require little grooming. [wikipedia]

Australian Mist cat photos

The Australian Mist (formerly known as the Spotted Mist) is a breed of cat. This breed was developed by Dr Truda Straede in Australia commencing in 1976, hence its name. The breed was developed by crossing the Burmese, Abyssinian, and Domestic shorthair cats to create a shorthaired cat with a spotted coat. Australian Mists are medium-sized shorthaired cats, with a round head and large, expressive eyes. [wikipedia]

Abyssinian cat wallpapers

The Abyssinian is a breed of domesticated cat believed to originate from one Egyptian female kitten called Zula that was taken from a port in Alexandria, Egypt, by a British soldier and brought to England. The Abyssinian's body is of medium length with well-developed muscles. The legs are slender in proportion to the body, with a fine bone structure. The paws are small and oval. The Abyssinian has a fairly long tail, broad at the base and tapering to a point. [wikipedia]

Turkish Angora cat photos

The Turkish Angora (Turkish: Ankara Kedisi) is a breed of domestic cat. Turkish Angoras are one of the ancient, naturally-occurring cat breeds, having originated in central Turkey, in the Ankara region. [wikipedia]

Turkish Van cat wallpapers

The Turkish Van is a breed of cat native to the rugged mountains of the Lake Van region in Eastern Turkey. Originally called the Turkish Cat, the name was changed in 1979 in the U.S. ( 1985 in the U.K.) to Turkish Van to better distance the breed from the Turkish Angora cat which had its origins around Ankara, in central Turkey. [wikipedia]